What is all the big fuss about SEO? The idea of search engine optimization is so that search engine crawlers locate your website and its pages, and rank relevance in order for it to appear on top of SERPs. The fact is that this isn’t something that you can just do and then instantly forget about it. It’s an ongoing process that needs work, maintenance, monitoring, and testing. You should be asking yourself – how do I make a website that works well for both my visitors and search engines? And furthermore – how can SEO help my web presence turn more profitable?

What You Need To Know About Optimizing Your Site (SEO)

What you should do

What search engines do is refer people to sites that are the most relevant to what they are looking for. Relevancy is determined by four factors. The first is content, which is established by the given theme, the page text, and titles and descriptions. The second is performance, because your website simply needs to work well and be fast. The third is authority, determined by whether your site has content that is good enough to be linked to, or if other authoritative sites use it as a reference. Finally, the fourth is user experience, which is based on your site’s design, navigation, security, and the like.

What you should not do

Tha last thing that you should do is try to trick the search engines, because it is bound to have consequences. Keyword stuffing, or overusing keywords on your pages, is one of the things that need to be avoided. When it comes to purchased links, they won’t have a good impact on your SEO. Finally, the last thing that you want is to provide a poor user experience. People need to easily find what they’re looking for, and not be distracted by an abundance of ads.

Analyze your target market

Start from your own website and all the code, keywords, meta sets, and visible text. See how much code there is in comparison to text. Then examine content keywords and how well are competitive websites ranking with them. This is how you are going to come up with an effective engine positioning strategy. Then, you should focus on initial keyword nomination. Come up with a list of targeted search terms that relate to your market and customer base. Think about what you would type in the search engine to look for your business. After that, ask your customers the same question.

Research keywords and develop

Once you have nominated initial keywords, you need to identify a targeted list. Use sources such as competitive lists to do so. Your preliminary list is useful for finding out how many websites are competing for every keyword. Then you need to prioritize keywords, phrases, as well as singulars, plurals, and misspellings. If a keyword is commonly misspelled, you should make use of that.

It is of an essence that you know where you are at right now in order to determine the future of your rankings. Listen to the advice of Websitesthatsell SEO experts, and keep an excel sheet that you are going to check on a weekly basis in the beginning. As time goes by, you can get more laid back and do it monthly. Improvements in traffic will be the key indicator that your keywords are panning out.

Have consistent domain names

Domain names are an important aspect of your foundation. The best practice is to go for sub-directory root domains, such as website.com/stuff, than for sub-domains, such as websote.com.stuff. Furthermore, you need to make sure that there is consistency. If www.website.com leads to your website but website.com doesn’t, then it means that the search engines see two different websites. This is bound to make a problem for your inbound links and SEO efforts.

When it comes to getting a domain, it’s usually a great idea to get an old one. However, when buying an old domain, be certain that the person that owned it before you didn’t have questionable standards and got themselves penalized. Finally, it is a great idea for your domain to include keywords that you’re attempting to rank for.

Final words

In the end, it is essential that you keep testing and measuring. You should analyze rankings and web traffic in order to assess how your keywords are performing, as well as how effective the implemented programs are. Test how every change pans out and write it down in an excel spreadsheet.