Wackiest Things You Can Do In Abu Dhabi

Life in Abu Dhabi is rosy, curious and full of wonder which makes it a great place for zealous travelers to hang around and discover strange and peculiar things. Be it having a glimpse into the noticeable architecture, adventurous desert tour or withdrawing gold coins, there are as many wackiest things as there are interesting things to do in Abu Dhabi. Let’s check out the wackiest things that can arouse visitors’ curiosity.

Enjoy Ride In A Futuristic Car

It would be like a dream for many to go on a ride in a driverless car, but this dream may turn into a reality in Abu Dhabi. The land is home to technological marvels, but visitors’ favourite is certainly the futuristic car that picks them from the car park and takes on a ride to the city. And undoubtedly, this ride proves to be an unforgettable ride of the life. A ride in a futuristic car seems akin to science fiction movies of the1970s. So, get into a futuristic car and enjoy a ride back to the 1970s.

Gold Withdrawal From Vending Machine

If you are an obsessive lover of gold, then Abu Dhabi is the place where your love may blossom. The vending machine at Emirates Palace featuring gold leaf finish spits out 1gm, 5gm and 10 gm coins for which you are charged as per the current price. All thanks to the computer that keeps a track of the current price of gold and display the right cost. Though buying gold coins is an investment, it may be a pretentious souvenir at the same time.

Shadow Reflective Art

An unusual yet well-liked thing one can enjoy watching during the Abu Dhabi city tour is shadow reflective art. Bassam al Selawi, a Jordanian artist brought this quirky art into the notice of local and global virtuosos. When light falls on uniquely carved tiny sculptures, miraculously detailed shadows of people, eagles, camels and many other creatures can be seen on the wall. Aesthetes should definitely check out this intriguing and weird art.

Book A Dhow Cruise

Giving a miss to dhow cruise dinner is a complete injustice on your part if you are in the city to check out the atypical activities. Believe it or not, enjoying a temptingly tasty dinner on a dhow cruise in a serene and musical surrounding is once in a lifetime experience. Without a doubt, the pleasure you get by barding the dhow in Abu Dhabi is no less than dhow cruise Dubai Marina. When on board, visitors can have an insight into UAE’s heritage and the traditional boats that the pearl traders used at that time.

Experience A Skydive

If you want to experience skydiving without actually having to jump out of the plane, then you should be at Wind Tunnel. Located at city’s country club, the wind tunnel blows air up at 875 HP that gives you an experience of plunging towards the surface without any need to jump out of a plane. The Wind Tunnel can blow up a maximum weight of 90 kg. Though wacky, this pretended spacewalk is something worth trying and remembering.

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