Some Mirena Side Effects You Must Be Aware Of

Mirena is an intrauterine device (IUD) that releases levonorgestrel which basically helps in preventing pregnancy and treating heavy menstrual bleeding in women. This hormone releasing device present in your uterus helps preventing pregnancy for as long as 5 years and it should be inserted by a healthcare provider. After 5 years tenure, the IUD should be removed or replaced since it no longer becomes effective. It is usually taken out by a doctor easily with the help of a thread attached to the Mirenahowever due to its existence in the body over these years it may get implanted inside the uterus walls for which a surgery may be needed.

As with other kinds of birth control methods, Mirena also comes with its own side effects among which the most common are headache, acne, mood swings, amenorrhea, Mirena IUD bleeding or spotting, pelvic or abdominal pain and ovarian cysts.

Immediately seek help if you experience severe pain in lower stomach or your side. This may be tubal pregnancy sign (a pregnancy that takes place in the fallopian tube). Having a tubal pregnancy is something serious and an emergency.

The IUD may get embedded in the uterus wall, or may create a hole in your uterus. If such a thing occurs, the device won’t be able to prevent pregnancy any more. The device may also slide outside the uterus causing infection, scarring and damage to other parts of the body. If the IUD perforates or embeds inside the uterine wall, the doctor may have to remove it through surgery.

Immediately call your doctor if you experience any of the following side effects:

These aren’t all the side effects related to Mirena. You can read more about Mirena and bleeding commonly related but there are other uncommon side effects too. So if you see something unusual happening with you (particularly in the initial few months) immediately go to your doctor.

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