Remove The Misconceptions Surrounding Dental Implants

Remove The Misconceptions Surrounding Dental Implants

Dental implants, inflammation and illness creates many questions in the minds of the patients. People seem to be lost about the side effects and other queries that come to their mind about the dental implants. The process is so feared that people choose to opt out of it as it deals with a sensitive area, that is teeth.

  1. Dental implant: A small device made of titanium, that is inserted into the jawbone at the place of missing teeth and allows to fuse the bone with the implant. The whole process is called Osseointegration. After the bone gets attached to the bone, a tooth as replacement is put over the top of the implant.
  1. People are concerned if their teeth will look natural or not: More than the look they are more worried about if the dental implant will feel like the natural teeth did. The implanted teeth will surely be harder and much stronger than the natural one and as far as look is concerned no one will be able to make out if the teeth is implanted or a real one. You will be able to eat whatever you want, but there will be duty for you to maintain the implant by cleaning the surrounding area of your implanted tooth.
  1. A major concern that gives nightmares to many people is, if they can bear the pain of the procedure of implant: It i matter of pain and gain. If you want comfort for a long time, you need to bear pain or a short while. Likewise, in the case of dental implant procedure you would feel the usual discomfort as in any dental procedure. But with proper anaesthetic you can be sure than the pain would not trouble you much.
  1.  Duration of the Procedure: The duration of the procedure is entirely dependent on the type of implant that you have opted for. Obviously, single tooth implant would take lesser time than the multiple teeth implant. The implant after the procedure takes sometime to recover from the damage of cells caused during the integration of jawbone and the gum line.
  1. Healing time: It can take about three to four months for the implant to fully repair and sometimes the duration extends to six months. By this all the procedures of implanting and bridging will be done. Make sure you have soft drinks and do not eat anything until the effect of anaesthesia wears off. Avoid having hot food on the first day of getting an implant.  

Dental implants are not subject to quick deterioration and with proper care, they last as long as the natural teeth. Here proper care holds a prime position in enjoying the benefits spending money, time and the pain that you had beared you need to maintain the implant. Activities like brushing, flossing and eating whatever you want. Clearing the misconceptions is important as it can prevent you from enjoying the benefits of healthy mouth.

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