Relocating Abroad – Exposing The Myths

Relocating Abroad - Exposing The Myths

According to the movies, moving abroad is luxurious, exciting and wonderful and its true as seen in the movies you can enjoy all of those desires but what is not generally considered is the upheaval and reality of it all. If people move with a fantasy mindset they are destined to fail however if they do their homework thoroughly it could be a fantastic experience and the best decision you ever made.

So whilst the movies continue to glamorise a celebrity lifestyle abroad let us expose the myths and discover what is really involved, if we can be realistic about the whole process we may stand a better chance at loving our new adventures.


Simply hop on a plane and send your belongings via an experienced dependable removals services that specialise in international moves, easy!


If only it were that simple! You best get sorting through all of that paperwork because there are lots of it, residency papers, visas, rental negotiations, new bank accounts, new driving licence etc and then when all of the important parts are addressed you may start to consider how you are going to move and by what means.


Moving abroad is romantic; you may meet the love of your life, the one who you have been searching long and hard for is waiting for you!


You could meet the love of your life anywhere in the world it won’t necessarily take relocation abroad to find the answer to your dreams. (This is merely a fantasy mindset, and if all does not go to plan you could end up feeling bitterly disappointed!)


I get to enjoy life every day, I’ll be more relaxed, it’ll be fantastic and fun!


Err, not always like that I’m afraid! Take your life now for instance, what is it like now? You are probably stressed out, working hard, frantically rushing around doing this and doing that. Unless you are moving through retirement chances are it won’t be much different to what it is now albeit probably better weather if you are moving somewhere warmer.


It will be great my family and friends can come to stay with me anytime they wish.


It usually turns out that many don’t come to stay that often and there are going to be plenty of times where you may feel lonely, home sick and you miss people dearly.

The thing is people should not be put off by what is the reality of moving abroad permanently, and also what it entails, because in contrast its well worth knowing all of this before you make the leap not doing so would be way more disastrous!

It’s worth doing your research and doing it thoroughly, it will pay off later if you do! Once you have a good idea about what you would like to do remember to consider the cost, you cannot get a cheap removals company to whisk you away into oblivion, I’m afraid it comes at a much higher cost than that. International moves are by no means cheap and many people will face the very daunting task of having to let go of many of their possessions in order to make this removal a reality, this can be difficult for people, especially people who have owned and treasured particular items for many years. You cannot take everything with you when you move abroad permanently, that is a fact, But when you consider why, you begin to understand. It costs a lot of money to transport a kettle abroad for example, whereas buying a new one when you are there would be the more cost effective approach. Now consider everything else you own!

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