Planning A Successful Knowledge Transfer

How can you make a knowledge transfer a good thing for everyone involved?  Obviously transferring the knowledge of an expert in your company to another employee within the company is certainly great for your company. But, how can it be fun for both the expert and the person to whom the knowledge is being transferred?

The Right Program

By choosing a reward program that fits into the way your business already operates, you will be most successful. Additionally you should keep it as simple as possible. Don’t choose something that can’t be kept up on an ongoing basis. You should also try to make it light hearted and fun.

The whole business of transferring knowledge can be hard work and is incredibly stressful. This reward system should give your experts and their apprentices a chance to have fun with the whole process. You should make sure to recognize achievements that can be measured. When you base your rewards on measureable outcomes, you make sure that the outcome you desire is incentivised.

The Right Way to Transfer

People learn in a variety of ways. Learning styles can range from auditory learners, who learn best from something they are told to kinesthetic learners, who must move to learn. It turns out that learning styles can be divided along generational lines, as well. This is important for both the expert and the apprentice to understand.

People born from 1925-1945, also known as Matures or Veterans, and those born from 1955-1964, known as Baby Boomers, were most likely taught with formal classroom education and by reading printed text. These people are very good at learning by reading, as well as listening.

People born from 1965 through 1979, known as Gen Xers can adapt easily between informal and formal education settings. They like to find real solutions to real problems and learn in a more visual manner than verbal. They are not afraid of technology.

Born from 1980 through 1995, Gen Yers or Millennials are sometimes referred to as digital natives because they were born into our computer-central world. They would much rather learn by trial and error instead of direct instruction. They are connected and value group and team learning.

Questions to Make the Transfer Better

When you plan to transfer knowledge, you should ask yourself and your organization some basic questions. By asking the questions, you can think more clearly about the process itself. In doing so, you are better prepared to plan for a successful transfer of knowledge.

Consider the content of the knowledge transfer. Also think about the length of time the knowledge transfer could take. Ask yourself how you will know that the transfer has taken place. You could also use this chance to evaluate  the processes you use. Can you simplify them?  Could technology be used to replace some of the work done by human employees?

Think about the people who will be involved in the knowledge transfer. Is the expert a good teacher?  Who will be taking part in the process?  Is there anyone else employed by the company whose role may overlap that of the expert?

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