It’s coming up to the most wonderful time of the year

We are now reaching the time of year when the warm summer weather starts to leave us behind and the colder, wetter Autumn weather begins to creep in and it won’t be long before we are all wrapped up in nice warm jumpers with hats, gloves and scarfs and wonderfully cozy winter coats as we move towards Christmas. The run-up to Christmas seems to begin earlier and earlier each year with some shops already having their Christmas stock out ready for those eager buyers looking to spread the cost of Christmas over a couple of months.

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Once you start hearing the Christmas songs over the speakers in shops across the country you will know that we are on the final stretch to Christmas Day. There are many reasons why music is played in stores and Music for business has become an important tool both in marketing and also as a way to help make your customers shopping experience a more pleasurable one. Companies who provide mood media in store music know how to make the most out of the music that you are playing and make sure that you are sending the right messages out to your customers. But when it comes to Christmas you will find the same good old Christmas songs and carols being played across all types of stores.

But what are the most popular Christmas songs that you might hear being played this year?

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Interestingly all but one of these song titles has the name Christmas in it. There has long been a debate over whether a true Christmas single needs to contain the words Christmas, snow or Winter. But there have been some successful Christmas number ones that almost have no mention of Christmas in them at all, so it appears that the lyrics don’t seem to matter too much. What does make for a good Christmas song is the inclusion of instruments and sounds that make for a Christmas, Wintery feel. The types of sounds include sleigh bells which create the image of dogs pulling a sled or reindeers flying through the sky. String and woodwind style instruments create sounds that conjure up the image of snowfall, swirling winds, and the winter sky.

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