iPad Tips and Tricks

Apple produces for a variety of activities and personality types. You have an iPhone to take with you wherever you go that is also used for maps, a calendar, address book, messaging and so many other things. Well, just like the iPhone, the iPad has lots of tricks to learn. What you thought you knew about your iPad is nothing compared to the tips and tricks you will learn from all the combinations of apps and functions on offer.

1. Use your iPad as a card table. Download the Card Table app and players will use their phones to replace a hand of cards. This will only work if all players have iPhones.

2. Navigate to an app’s settings using Siri. Instead of going through your mountains of pages, simply hold down the home button and Siri will appear and say “Settings” and you will then be taken directly to your iPad’s settings.

3. Use your iPad as a second monitor. With the app Air Display 2 you can use your iPad as a second monitor. This is great when working on projects that you absolutely need two screens for.

4. Drag your hand left or right to quickly switch between apps. You can take advantage of the larger screen by allowing you to switch between apps seamlessly by using just 4 or 5 fingers and dragging them sideways. You can close out apps by pinching all of your fingers together, just go to Settings and switch on Multitasking Gestures.

5. Download Joypad and you can play more than 50 arcade games on your iPad using your iPhone as a controller.

6. Watch movies from your computer on your iPad using Air Video HD. This app streams videos between your computer and iPad without having to worry about video formats.

7. Reading on a screen at night can really strain your eyes, especially with black font against a white background. If you wish to invert the colours go to Settings, General, Accessibility and toggle Invert Colours.

8. Reduce transparency and darken colours on your iPad by going to Settings, General, and Accessibility and increase the contrast. This will customise your iPad to exactly the way you want it.

With these tips and tricks you can now use your iPad to its fullest potential. Partake in activities with friends and family, download useful apps, make business easier with double screens and customise your device to fit your preference. For more customisation, unlock your iPad and use any network provider that you wish.

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