Improving Your eBay Store Conversion Rate

Anyone can sell products online on the excellent eBay platform; however, the market in a lot of niches is nearing saturation and it is becoming increasingly difficult for companies to compete. Margins are thin and the only factors that people can differentiate themselves on are often design, service and variety.

If you want to make sure that your products get the attention they deserve, you need to put a lot of effort into your eBay store design. Many sellers have moved away from Amazon and eBay’s private sales options because of how difficult it is for smaller sellers, but this is a rather excessive reaction. The truth is that you can compete with a good store design; in fact, in many cases eBay stores outperform private seller websites by five to one.

What Makes a Good Store?

A well-optimised eBay store is one that is carefully divided up into categorise and that combines ongoing listings with some ‘featured’ auctions and low-reserve auctions that can drive traffic to your store. Great stores have a large inventory ‒ it is worth doing this to get your auctions indexed and to build trust with customers ‒ and their own domain. These are all simple changes and things that will pay off in terms of increased traffic, more page views, and hopefully more purchases. Be honest ‒ if you were a consumer, would you purchase from your own store? If not, what is putting you off? Fix these issues first, as if you see them, so will others.

A Professional Look Builds Trust

Even though shoppers know that anyone can list products on eBay, they are still influenced by intangibles such as presentation; therefore, a professional-looking shop is more likely to attract customers than one that appears to have been thrown together by an amateur. If you are serious about building a thriving store, it makes sense to outsource some of your design work to Frooition an agency who can create eBay template designs so that you get something that shoppers can trust.

Make sure that shoppers get all the information they need in your listings, and be as transparent as possible about pricing, including shipping and delivery times. In very competitive niches, it is these details that will make the difference.

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