How To Select A Divorce Lawyer

How To Select A Divorce Lawyer

Since divorce is a crucial matter and choosing the right divorce lawyer to handle your divorce case is crucial as well, there are some vital tips to guide you in making the right choice of a divorce lawyer. These are;

Experience and Focus

Divorce law are specialized and different from any other law field so getting a lawyer that practice mainly on divorce is essential to get successful conclusions. Do not think that any lawyer will do. choose a divorce lawyer from Clarke Law firm as they possess the skills and experience required in handling divorce cases in your locality. They know the potentials of different judges in your jurisdiction and use it in your favour.

Past Client Testimonials

The testimonies of former clients about the lawyer might be the best way to choose a divorce lawyer for your divorce. Some lawyers give their clients more satisfaction when handling divorce cases than others. You can ask the lawyer for a list of past clients in case you do not know any of them. Client confidentiality is often practiced but notwithstanding he can afford to give you a few names that can testify to his good works.


You should be able to reach your divorce lawyer easily through phone calls, emails and meeting requests. Inaccessibility is one reason why many clients are not satisfied with their lawyers and a divorce lawyer who is almost always inaccessible is not a wise choice. You can ask your divorce lawyers about their office policies or better still ask past clients how easy it was to reach the lawyer and evaluate his accessibility based on their responses. Divorce is an unpleasant experience and you wouldn’t want to aggravate your frustration by picking a lawyer that you can’t reach when you want to.


At the first appointment with your divorce lawyer, ask about the consultation fee. While some give short initial consultations for free, most experienced lawyers charge between a hundred to two hundred dollars flat rates and some at hourly rates. You should know the rates your divorce lawyer charges. Never be discouraged from interviewing a lawyer because of the consultation fee as some use it as a plight to scare away those who are not sure of hiring the divorce lawyers.

Have a discussion with your lawyer about the fees and what you should expect during the consultation. You should find out his hourly rates and what the upfront retainer will be as is applicable to most experienced divorce lawyers. You should also know; if any unused part of the upfront retainer is refundable, how often to expect invoices that list the hourly charges or expenses and how detailed the invoices are. However you can get better information from past clients.

Comfort and Credibility

After considering the above factors, if you are comfortable with the divorce lawyer you plan to hire, then go ahead. However, if you lack confidence in him, then you should just keep searching because a divorce case is not a trivial case you commit to someone you lack confidence in.

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