Vegetables and fruits are not the only plant-based things that can benefit us. Herbs also provide many beneficial factors. Some can be eaten, while others are used remedies. Herbs are actually obtained from low-growing plants and they are great for cooking or remedies. Some herbs are also used for aromatherapy and their medicinal properties can be quite impressive. Some herbs can be particularly effective because they contain plenty of active ingredients. They can be used in conjunction with medicines, supplements and other herbs. There are a lot of herbs that can be found in nature and it’s nearly impossible to list them all. Herbs are not only found on land, super kelp or sea kelp is obtained from the sea and it contains plenty of iodine. Sea kelp is useful for treating obesity and kidney cleansing. We could also use it stimulate pituitary and thyroid glands. Garlic is used in many recipes and can be used for natural antibiotics. Garlic can be used to treat cholera, typhus, wounds and infections. It is wonderful for addressing high cholesterol level and fungal infestations. It appears that continuous uses of garlic could reduce risks of hypertension, cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular problems.

Parsley is often considered as a powerful diuretic and it’s replete with multiple vitamins and minerals. The herb is often used for people who want to have healthy eating and parsley is a common ingredient for cooking. Green tea is another useful herb and its extract has been used in China and India for centuries. Reduction in cholesterol and blood clotting are benefits we could get by using green tea extract continuously. Green tea is a commonly used herb with non-existing side effects and can be consumed daily. Horse chestnut is popularly known as a remedy for blood vessels. It strengthens the capillary cells and prevents fluid leakage. The herb is used for people who want to stay youthful and healthy. Milk thistle is an important herb for treating liver problems. Liver is the biggest organ in our body and it needs to deal with alcohol, toxins and microorganisms. Liver neutralizes toxins and performs hundreds of other essential tasks. People who want to maintain their liver should include milk thistle.

Milk thistle is also useful for treating rashes, headaches, bladder stones, asthma, breathing problems, fever, drowsiness, jaundice, impotence, spasms and others. There are dozens of illnesses that can be treated and we should be able to deal with so many medical conditions. Oregano is another important herb and it is used other than for cooking. Dried oregano is often used in Italian dishes, but the oil can be used for remedial purposes. Oregano oil is useful due to its anti-oxidant and anti-microbial properties. The oil can be used to treat toothaches, ear aches and upset stomach. Insect bites can also be treated by applying oregano oil. Athlete’s foot, rheumatism, anxiety, tension and bronchitis could also be treated with oregano oil. For this reason, we should choose recipes that incorporate more herbs to gain additional health benefits.