Getting The Most From Your Child’s Private Tutor

Making the decision to involve a private tutor in your child’s tuition is never easy, in fact, in some cases it can be borderline unpleasant. Nevertheless, there are so many reasons why any child of any age and in any situation may benefit from private tuition that more parents than ever before are actively seeking the involvement of professional private tutors. According to the experts at, what was once essentially something of a niche service provision is now surprisingly commonplace up and down the United Kingdom.

But what’s also interesting is the way in which the experts universally agree on the fact that the way in which parents approach and handle the situation will have an enormous impact on the overall outcome. Of course, all parents seeking private tuition for their kids do so for the benefit of their education, development and well-being in general, but at the same time, many parents do not fully understand the impact they themselves can and will have on the process.

So with this in mind, here is a quick overview of just a few important pointers from the experts with regard to how to get the very most from your child’s private tutor and tuition experience:


There are essentially two ways any parent can approach private tuition – as something of a necessary evil, or as something enormously beneficial that could help their child enormously. Some parents naturally fall into the former of the two brackets, which, although perfectly understandable in many respects also has the potential to breed imperfect results. The simple fact of the matter is that in such scenarios, positivity, optimism and a bright outlook on the future all contribute to the overall success of the child’s private tuition. Or to put it another way, the very moment the child begins to see things as something of a chore rather than a helpful pleasure, it becomes infinitely more difficult for them to get the most out of it.


Flexibility is also of the utmost importance as it may be necessary to make significant changes to existing schedules, working routines and everyday social engagements in order to fit the services of the private tutor in. What it basically boils down to is the way in which it is of crucial importance to ensure that all private tuition obligations are given full priority, as for the time being at least this could be the single most important and beneficial elements in your child’s education. A high quality private tutor will of course offer a great deal of flexibility, but this should to a certain extent at least be reciprocated for the sake of the child.

Support Without Criticism

Even in instances where private tuition is considered as a means by which to address relatively severe problems, it should be seen as a positive support service throughout. This is something that should be mirrored in parental attitudes as well, with children being supported, praised and indeed rewarded for their efforts and activities, rather than in any way being criticised for their failures or shortcomings.

Be Involved

In terms of parental involvement, it’s of critical importance to acknowledge the fact that while the tutor will indeed take care of the academic side of things, there is still an enormously important role to be played by parents. Whether or not is appropriate to be involved in the actual sessions themselves will be decided by the tutor, but outside the sessions parents should play a consistently active role in things like homework, scheduled activities and pretty much anything else that assists with the private tuition and education in general. It’s the classic case of practicing as you preach and leading by example.

Review Regularly

Last but not least, any quality tutor will insist on keeping parents up to date with regular reviews and conversations about their child’s progress. Nevertheless, there will always be instances where parents are to some extent relied upon to request feedback and advice from private tutors, so it’s a good idea to be proactive when it comes to keeping tabs on your child’s progress. Whether it’s speaking to the tutor after each session or requesting a more formal written report on a periodic basis, regular reviews and monitoring of performance are of critical importance.

Private tuition has the potential to benefit children not only in the instance of academic and developmental problems, but also when and where special subjects are to be introduced alongside the standard curriculum. For more information, contact a leading tutor representation agency for an informal discussion.

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