Contacts are taking an increasingly large role in dressing up. Especially where Halloween is concerned, the only way to impersonate the color of the character’s eyes you are seeking to become, ‘contacts’ are really the only choice available.

Every single thing we do have, whether natural or manmade has two faces, one good one bad. Take medicines for instance, with all the positive properties there are also possibilities of side effects. Similarly, while lenses have amazing benefits in the form of vision correction and chameleon-like eyes, they can have potentially fatal consequences too.

In order to sidestep nasty infections and other negative consequences, it is important that you take the necessary precautions while using regular as well as decorative ones like Halloween eye contacts.

Decorative Lenses – what are they?

We tend to think of decorative lenses as something casual. However, even though they only change the color of your eyes and thus alter physical appearance rather than correcting vision, they still fall under the genre of a medical device. Due to this reason, they fall under the supervision of regulatory bodies in order to maintain high levels of quality assurance. The objective of explaining this is to stress the importance of harnessing the correct precautions when using lenses.

Precautions when using Decorative Lenses

Since contacts are often used as a routine feature, there isn’t generally a lot of protocol that follows. Of course, who has the time to dedicate to a lengthy routine nowadays when every single one of us is pressed for time? However, in no way does that mean that an important organ such as the eye is treated lightly.

Misuse of lenses or dealing with them irresponsibly can lead to significant negative consequences, including:

  • A cut or a scratch on the top of your eye can be caused by lenses. This is referred to as a corneal abrasion.
  • If the liquid solution of the contacts or the contacts themselves contains germs, you could suffer from an allergic reaction such as itching or watery eyes.
  • Infections which can ultimately lead to drastic results such as decreased vision or even blindness.

The logical question now is how to avoid all these pesky conditions and go on to have a healthy relationship with your contacts. The answer is that using lenses, decorative or otherwise, require a strong sense of responsibility. No necessary steps should ever be skipped. These are:

  • Arm yourself with knowledge. Take some time out, hop on to the internet and read informational articles about contacts, the different types such as those for corrective vision and decorative ones like Halloween eye contacts, wear times etc.
    These pointers will help you understand how to care for lenses, what role every step in the care of lenses has and thus, allow you to take better care. Absorbing knowledge about the matter will also ensure you are well-equipped to spot early signs of damage to your eyes and thus avoid exaggerating it.
  • Once you’ve learned how to take care of your lenses, the next step is to actually put the information you’ve acquired to good use. Usually, all necessary steps are printed on the box of your lenses or the solution that you get, and following them to the letter is enough to ensure safe usage. Always clean and disinfect your lenses after you wear them.
    Another important thing is to change your solution in the storage entirely, rather than “topping off” the old one
  • Lenses are always accompanied by a wear time. That simply means the amount of time they can be used for. There are many different varieties available such as those that ought to be disposed of after a single use, and others that can be worn for as long as a week without replacement.

    However, it is important to understand that the composition of lenses is tailored to ensure safe and comfortable use within the prescribed time window, and thus should only be used for that time.

  • Decorative contacts are available in diverse varieties. Did you know there are sclera lenses which literally cover up your entire eye instead of covering just your pupils? Don’t just opt for something because it’s different and new. Whenever you purchase lenses, online or otherwise, make sure they have the approval of respective regulatory bodies. This provides assurance of quality control and safety. Also avoid buying lenses from Halloween stores, novelty stores and the like.
  • In case you notice signs of an infection such as a red eye, watery discharge, irritation or discomfort, take off your lenses and head straight to the doctor. Never try home remedies as these can do more harm than good. The doctor to be consulted for any issues relating to the eye is called an optometrist or an ophthalmologist. Remember, eye infections can lead to horrible results if they are untreated!