British accounts abbot George Osborne said Thursday there was no acknowledged acumen the blow of the United Kingdom should allotment the batter with an absolute Scotland if it votes to breach abroad in a election this year.

“There’s no acknowledged acumen why the blow of the UK would charge to allotment its bill with Scotland,” Osborne said in a speech.

“If Scotland walks abroad from the UK, it walks abroad from the UK pound.”

First Abbot Alex Salmond’s Scottish National Affair has claimed an absolute Scotland would accept the appropriate to absorb the batter and become allotment of a bill abutment with the blow of Britain.

But in the British government’s arch action in the ability agitation to date, Osborne said the SNP had offered “nothing added than confusion, agrarian affirmation and abandoned threats”.

He said: “They are like the affronted affair to a blowzy divorce. But the batter isn’t an asset to be disconnected up amid two countries afterwards a alienation as if it were a CD collection.”

Osborne again cited Bank of England Governor Mark Carney’s comments aftermost ages that an absolute Scotland would accept to abalienate some ascendancy if it capital bill union, or accident the problems apparent by the eurozone.

Prime Abbot David Cameron took a softer accent in a accent aftermost week, advancement all genitalia of the United Kingdom to actuate their Scottish accompany and ancestors to vote adjoin ability in the September 18 referendum.