Fat loss can be quite challenging for many people. On the other hand, many others manage to succeed in reaching and maintaining their ideal weight. This is not by accident, but by sticking to certain rules.

Proven Principles For Long Term Fat Loss

Keep in mind that what really counts is your daily routine. Even the best information will not help if you don’t apply it to your everyday life. With this in mind, let’s outline some of the most important principles for losing fat and keeping it off.

9 Rules For Successful Fat Loss

1. Stay Hydrated

Drinking more water can help your metabolism run more efficiently, and help to curb appetite. Remember, don’t hydrate with beverages containing sugar, as this will mean consuming more calories. On top of this, even mild dehydration directly affects energy levels, mood and ability to think clearly, according to two studies recently conducted at the University of Connecticut’s Human Performance Laboratory.

2. Keep Track of What You Eat

Keeping close track of everything you eat is important if you want to lose weight. You can do this by writing it down in a notebook, or, if you prefer the high tech approach, there are now many convenient apps that help you count calories.

3. Do Strength Training

Regular exercise is important if you want to lose fat. However, there is a misconception that cardio is all you need to achieve fat loss. Strength training such as weight lifting is actually the most efficient way to burn fat.

4. Get More Sleep

Research shows that getting more sleep can make it easier to lose weight. Sleep deprivation interferes with your hormonal balance and metabolism, causing you to feel hungrier and eat more. Getting even one extra hour of sleep per night can make a big difference.

5. Consume Healthy Fats

Trying to avoid all fats will only leave you feeling hungry and will deprive your body of essential nutrients. Focus instead on eating healthy fats, which are found in foods such as salmon and other seafood, as well as nuts, such as walnuts and almonds. Avocados are another nutritious and delicious source of healthy fats.

6. Don’t Starve Yourself

Skipping meals or going on ultra low calorie diets may help you lose a few pounds in the short run, but it’s a terrible long term strategy. Aside from weakening your metabolism, depriving yourself of calories often results in binge eating, where you end up gaining back any weight you lost, or more.

7. Avoid Fried Foods

They may taste good, but fried foods are also among the most fattening. Furthermore, the fried foods you get in fast food places and many restaurants are cooked in unhealthy oils. Try to focus on baking, roasting, boiling or steaming your foods, instead.

8. Move Around

An exercise program is important, but it’s equally important to move around throughout the day. If you work at a desk, take frequent stretch breaks. Try to walk more and drive less. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. In fact, a good habit to form is identifying your more stagnant daily routines and then tossing in some sort of physical activity wherever possible.

9. Carry Healthy Snacks

Avoid unhealthy, high-calorie snacks, such as chips, candy, sodas and other treats with excessive sugar, fat and sodium. One way to stay on top of this is by always having healthier snacks on hand. Nuts and dried fruits are great for this purpose. Other options are whole grain crackers with hummus, celery with peanut butter, or even just a bag of baby carrots.

  • Sleep and Weight Gain
  • Even Mild Dehydration Can Alter Mood

As well as being COO of BELDT Labs, Inc, a leading producer of high-intensity performance supplements, James Atkins is senior editor of BELDT Labs’ Fitness Column, a regular blog-style compendium of highly useful nutrition and fitness tips for atheltes of all stripes. When not circling the sports nutrition cage, James enjoys handgliding, pencil art, guitar, and music that’s not music, according to his neighbors and motorcycle cops.