7 Quick Tips To Boost Employee Productivity & Satisfaction

Every company has its own operational method and employees reflect it with their daily job routine. The key to achieving top results and wide recognition for businesses of any size, especially those that involve customer support and communication with the public is to maintain employee’s positive attitude.

This may sound relatively easy to accomplish, but the facts are quite different. If you think that simple raise in salary or other form of compensation will transform your business into the most productive one ever existed, you can’t be further from the truth! I don’t say that increase in benefits doesn’t result in productivity spikes, but that it’s just one part of the equation. Here are my 7 quick and really easy tips to boost employee productivity & satisfaction within any business:

Provide More Control

If you take a look at the setup of some of the fastest growing companies today, you will quickly see that employees there have a lot of control over their work schedules and routines. The more freedom you give to employees to forge their own schedules, prioritize the tasks at hand and also to determine their own competitive strategies, the higher the productivity will be within your organization.

Reduce Commuting Stress

What worse way start your day at work than to spend few hours driving to work? Once you manage to overcome the traffic jams and finally find a place to park your car, chances are you will feel frustrated and quite stressed before you ever experience the daily challenges you face at work! The right thing to do for every employer is to review the existing policies for arriving late and help reduce the commuting stress. You don’t want your workers to arrive stressed at work, as this dramatically lowers their productivity!

Stop Wasting Your Precious Time

When the deadlines are tight, employees often feel really stressed out and quite confused about how they should handle their workflow. For you as an employer it’s crucial to solve this problem and the best way to do that is to simply provide more time for people to focus on what’s really urgent and it’s done by unloading all not so important tasks from their to-do lists, as well as removing all possible distractions.

Promote Good Health Routines

Healthy employees are definitely much more productive, but this is not something a lot of employers actually acknowledge. While staying for 8-9 hours glued to the computer is definitely unhealthy, taking short 10-15 minutes walks dramatically impacts people’s overall health. It’s up to you, the employer to promote healthy routines, like the one mentioned above, within your organization!

Break Daily Routines

Even the smallest changes in employee daily routines can lead to huge creativity spikes and enormous boost in their work satisfaction. As already mentioned introducing good health routines is great way to break the boring daily schedule, but there are few other methods to achieve this, such as hosting an office holiday event or creating fun office giveaway, where everyone gets a chance to receive the rewards of their dreams!

Encourage Social Interactions & Connections

When we socially interact with other people, we often feel huge boost in our mood. Every employer should find ways to encourage social connections within their organization rather than limiting these. A great start is to create shared workstations, where employees can discuss the challenges they face with the particular task assigned. Here it’s worth mentioning that no matter how hard you try, you just can’t put any limits on employee’s interactions and connections, so it’s better to be on the look for ways on how to actually encourage it!

Evaluate the Office Space & Work Equipment

Often overlooked, office space and work equipment have both enourmous impact on employee productivity and work satisfaction. Choosing the best colors that stimulate creativity when decorating your office space, along with providing customized work equipment are pretty much essential for achieving the work atmosphere of your dreams. Studies performed by within the healthcare industry suggest that accessories and equipment with vibrant colors does help leverage job satisfaction among some of the most stressed employees – healthcare practitioners!

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