6 Tips To Make An Attention-Grabbing Business Card

A business card is most likely the first contact a potential client has with your company. Of course, you’d like to make a card that will certainly be memorable, and will encourage them to engage with your services. It’s vital to the encouraging of customers that your first encounter will certainly not be the last.

A great way to prevent this is follow the few tips on making a stunningly effective business card.

Make it Readable

Making the text decipherable is a great start to make an effective business card. Make sure that all texts will be easily read by anyone. If you don’t then the customers would have to squint just to read the details. As a rule, don’t go lower than a font size of 8pt.

Also, keep in mind the font you’ll use. It’s really tempting to use a strange font to make the business card look elegant, but remember, functionality is more important than the stellar look here. You can easily make one well with the use of Cards Printingservices or programs. 

Complete the Information

It sounds pretty obvious, but the most important part in making an effective business card is to have all the information you need. Before you begin Business Cards Printing, list down what you need to put on it first. Normally, this will include your name, company logo and name, and your job title. Make sure each of these is displayed well. Ponder on which contact detail to put on the card since these are normally long and will clutter if put improperly.

QR Codes

QR codes are excellent to use when it comes to saving space on your card. They include the necessary information on the business card without making it look messy. All it would take for a person to go see your website is a scan.

It may seem difficult to put a QR code, but you can easily have on when you do the Cards Printing online. A lot of QR code generators can easily be accessed by anyone because it’s free.

Plain or Colorful

There are two ways to decorate your card using the colors – using bright hues or a plain look. If you used the bright colors correctly, they can easily make an outstanding card. It will also give it a unique and appealing look. However, the simple business card can be equally memorable as the colorful one. Its elegant look can really make it stylish in its own way. Coloring is easy when you do the Cards Printing with a reliable design service.


To prevent the dullness of the black and white information on your business card, you can emboss the words. It will make a great 3d effect on your card, making those that need to stand out be regarded as the main information well. You can easily do this as you make the Cards Printing with a legit designing service.

According to research, a person is more engaged if more than one sense is used. If the sense of touch can keep the memory of touching the 3D effect, your card will certainly be remembered well. 


Pictures last a longer impression on a person’s mind especially if it strikes well. You can put all the information on one side of the card, and then add the well-chosen illustration on the other. You can do this effectively if you use Cards Printing services online.

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