5 Reasons Why You Should Get Into Analytics

5 Reasons Why You Should Get Into Analytics

It might seem very obvious that with all the opportunities on the show one should opt for data analytics as a career; but, well, there is more to it. Data analytics is like any other career – posing some challenges, expecting hard work and the right attitude, demanding performance. These are not bad things. So, if you are wondering, an easy job profile is not among the reasons why data analytics should be opted for. What then?

1. Businesses have recognised this as top priority

Commercial bodies all over the world are getting digitized. The new and the old, the big and the small, are sharing the same platform for marketing and promotion. Leveraging the data has become the key to unlock the market. Every enterprise wants and needs to find its audience and to reach its consumers. Data analytics seems to be the only way left in the middle of the endless clatter of information. Businesses cannot help but seek refuge of the analyst to send its pitch through to the desired consumer. Hence 77% of enterprisers have recognised data analytics as the top priority in 2017. The big data adaption has grown up to become 53% from 17% in 2015. Consequently the number of jobs is increasing.

2. The expansion of the domain is phenomenal

The headline to this point may be a little misleading because the expansion of analytics has been such that it itself is not a domain that can influence various other industries. It is rather a philosophy that creates a different domain in different industrial contexts and modifies itself accordingly. Now, we have fields like financial analytics, healthcare analytics, environmental analytics, so on and so forth. Each of these domains requires different sets of special skills. However, the basic requisite knowledge and aptitude are same with slight variations.

3. What you learn is solving problems

Data analytics training is not just about learning to press a few keys or using a certain group of tools. Mastering the tools is important. But what lies at the heart of it is the fact that you should know how to solve a given problem. After receiving a analytics training you will have a different, penetrating gaze at a problem. It is all about learning to find the problems and analyse the possibilities. These skills can help you in any trade.

4. A market that needs good hands

The Indian analytics industry is loaded with boundless potentiality. A well trained workforce can create a massive difference. The industry is still not taking off as it should have in a market of India’s size because of an acute ignorance of new comers about the field. They want to get into it but do not seem to find the right way in. Well, Bangalore and Delhi, the two Indian megacities are offering top notch analytics education. It is there for the grabbing. Python training in Delhi can redefine your career. Python, in fact, has emerged as the dark horse of the data science industry. You just cannot avoid it.

5. The obvious – Better Salary

It is a well known fact by now that big data experts are paid almost 20-30% more than the equivalent IT professional. The salaries may not seem to be as lucrative for the freshmen as one expects. But with the experience and skills you can earn some real money.

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