5 Great Benefits Playing Scrabble

Scrabble – the word based board game has won the hearts of millions of Americans since its inception in 1938. This word game is easy to play for young and old and everyone in between, making it a great choice for family time as well as corporate events, and for those with memory or cognitive problems

Apart from being a timeless game that gets your brain in work mode, there are several other benefits of playing the scrabble word game, some of which are listed below.

  1. Makes you happy – Scrabble is one of those games that are fun to play, so great chances are that those playing will have plenty of laughter outbursts. And when people laugh, they release endorphins, which are basically chemicals in the brain that trigger a feel-good response. This not only results in a happy mode, but also increases the amount of empathy, compassion and trust in all players involved in the game.
  2. Enriches your vocabulary – since the Scrabble game concept is based entirely on words, you’re bound you learn new ones as you play. Besides learning new words, playing Scrabble also greatly helps you improve your word-derivation skills, where you learn to use prefixes and suffixes correctly and easily than people who don’t play the game.

Furthermore, playing Scrabble allows users to learn new meanings of words and how they are pronounced. Although Scrabble rules do not allow the use of a dictionary, players especially young ones or those trying to brush up on their English language skills can always refer to one if needed.

  1. Teaches strategy – One of the noteworthy features of the Scrabble game is that it can be challenging to play at times, such as when you have rare letters on your deck and you have to play them quickly or risk hanging on to them until the end of the game. Putting the right strategies into play involves carefully planning of the letters you are working with in order to maximize your score with the right use of Double and Triple letter/word score squares on the board.
  2. Enhances your intellectual capacity – learning new words allows you to acquire knowledge across a spectrum of niches and subjects including science and history. Adding to this, playing Scrabble also increases cognitive abilities, and performing regular cognitive exercises has been proven to delay the progression of various types of dementia including Alzheimer’s disease.
  3. Improves immune system – playing Scrabble also greatly improves your immune system, and as a result helps you keep certain diseases and illnesses at bay.

All in all, playing Scrabble can work wonders for both your health and brain, and can build perennial relationships that engender mutual support, trust and long term planning.

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