If you have been struggling to maintain your payroll function within your organisation, on time and with no errors, you are not alone. Payroll is one of the most time-consuming and stressful admin tasks that businesses have to undertake on a regular basis. Unfortunately, errors easily creep in and you can spend too long trying to fix problems, and get the figures correct, when you should be focusing on other important business tasks.


For this reason, an increasing number of businesses are choosing to outsource their payroll function, particularly when they are a small or medium sized organisation. Outsourcing payroll has many advantages. Firstly, it saves you time. You give this important task to an expert and you do not need to worry about it – you free-up time to focus on important business tasks that can directly win you clients or help progress the business. An outsourced payroll solution also minimises errors and cuts the risk that you will be hit with a fine. As you leave payroll to a professional company, you do not need to worry that you know very little about tax or employment law. Also, outsourcing your payroll helps to save you money. You no longer need to pay someone to come and do your payroll every week or month, and you do not need to do it yourself thus taking earning potential from the company. Outsourced solutions are economical and convenient.

Here are a few tips for choosing the right payroll provider for your needs:

  1. Be Clear About Your Requirements

Before you start contacting the first payroll company on your long-list, make sure you are clear about what you want in terms of service, price, and features. If you have questions, be prepared to ask them as payroll providers will often be able to advise you on ways you can streamline the process and make payroll and other tasks more efficient. Make sure that the provider has the capacity for your needs, and also that they are able to scale up or scale down as you do.

  1. Choose Added Value

There may be budget payroll providers out there but you will do better if you can pick a provider that also offers valuable business services, advice, and performance monitoring. You need someone who can tell you when things are taking longer than they should, or when you are wrongly inputting information. You do not need someone who will simply do the minimum in order to get paid.

  1. Select Shared Viewpoint

You also should look for an organisation that shares your mind-set and has a similar viewpoint over your attitudes to growth, expansion, hard work, and customer service. This will make the relationship ultimately more satisfying.