When it comes to product marketing and promotion, it’s understandable to think about big ideas, such as an ad campaign on multiple fronts to help push a brand-new product. However, that isn’t the only way to promote a product – it isn’t even the best way to do so. Small, medium and even larger sized businesses can benefit from one simple fact: that simplicity sells just as well, if not more so than a grandiose project.

In a world full of overblown promotions and marketing, this can come as a breath of fresh air and will make it easier for prospective customers and clients to make a decision.

Simple does not mean lazy

For those who might mistake simple for lazy, remember that it is never the case. There’s a very big difference between being simple and being outright negligent about the design. Traditional marketing works very much in the same way. For example, if the only kind of marketing you have is a few simple words on a plain sign outside your doorstep, you won’t get very far.

Instead, make use of professional banner printers and have them print out a high-quality banner with a simple but concise design. It might be a bit more effort than simply making a poorly made sign – but it’s also nothing compared to snatching a spot on a billboard.

The first glance matters

First impressions last when it comes to marketing. This means that the moment a potential customer looks at your advert or even the packaging of your product, it needs to deliver the message right then and there. A complicated design simply will not do this for you no matter how hard you try. A simple and easy to understand design for your packaging is the best way to promote your product.

Marketing on the Internet is free!

Making use of social media to market your product is not only free, but it will get the word out extremely fast. This is one of the main reasons why some business owners don’t even bother with traditional marketing because they can make use of the Internet to get the job done. However, remember that traditional marketing still sells very well, which means you can’t afford to neglect either method. The best part is that having a simple design in mind will make it easier to accomplish both.

It’s important to remember that a good percentage of the people you are trying to sell your products to aren’t too fond of complicated designs and in-your-face promotion. Sometimes, they just want a product that is able to tell them from its design what it can do; no more and no less. If you want to truly be able to promote your product in a way that doesn’t come off as overblown while at the same time have a meaningful message, a simple design will accomplish this easily. Just remember that simple doesn’t mean lazy!